The gh.nvim guide


Introducing gh.nvim

gh.nvim is a tool for working with the GitHub platform through Neovim.

It was developed to alleviate the need to jump between editor and browser and because its author felt performing code reviews should be done inside the editor where all your language inspection tools exist.

gh.nvim is a bit different then other GitHub plugins because it favors bringing all the code to your local machine and editing it as if it was just another branch you were working on.

This allows seamless integration with LSP tools inside the editor and allows the review to make updates to the code in a natural way.

In order to do this, gh.nvim utilizes both the gh and git CLI tools extensively.

When gh.nvim opens a pull request it add the pull’s remote to the local git repository, fetch the branch, and check it out. As you browse the code within gh.nvim the plugin will be checking out commits as you do. This allows you to visualize, run, debug, and inspect the code locally at every commit.

This blog post will be a constant “WIP” as features are added and shift around during development. gh.nvim is new and has not reached a stable release yet.

Getting started

CLI dependencies

gh.nvim requires two external CLI tools to work.

Ensure that the gh tool is configured to use the correct git_protocol for your usage. The git_protocol can be either “https” or “ssh”. If “ssh” is used ensure that your ssh-agent has the correct public keys added and is configured correctly. This is important since gh.nvim must pull the code locally and will fail if the correct protocols are not being used.

When gh.nvim opens a timer is started. This timer will perform no action until an issue or a pull request is opened (so don’t worry if you see this when you don’t plan on using gh.nvim at the moment).


gh.nvim is implemented with help of litee.nvim and is a Neovim plugin depedency. It must be installed for gh.nvim to work.

litee.nvim provides the implementation of a unified “panel” similar to VSCode’s and JetBrains panels. These panels allow components to be “registered” into them and can display multiple tools at once.

This allows gh.nvim to work along side other litee.nvim plugins such as litee-calltree.nvim and others.

Therefore, gh.nvim’s panel is configured via litee.nvim’s configuration, just like all the other plugins. If you’re looking at gh.nvim and wondering “how can I make the panel open on the top instead of right” then you’ll want to look at litee.nvim’s configuration. Maybe a little confusing, but this allows the panel code to be shared between multiple plugins.


For full configuration details you’ll want to check out the plugin’s docs using (:h gh.nvim).

At a minimum, you must call litee.nvim’s setup function followed by gh.nvim’s.

A configuration which utilizes all the defaults would be:

    -- this is where you configure details about your panel, such as 
    -- whether it toggles on the left, right, top, or bottom.
    -- leaving this blank will use the defaults.
    -- reminder: gh.nvim uses litee.lib to implement core portions of its UI.
    -- this is where you configure details about gh.nvim directly relating
    -- to GitHub integration.

Place the following function calls anywhere you setup your neovim plugins.

Working with pull requests

Opening a Pull Request

A pull request can be opened with “GHOpenPR”.

If no PR number is provided a dialogue is presented.

Typically, telescope and fzf.lua will override this providing a fuzzy searcher of the PRs.


Browsing Commits

Once a PR is opened the PR panel will toggle itself visible.

Within this panel there will be a “commits” tree.

By hitting (default) <CR> on a commit object the “Commits” panel will now open and gh.nvim’s diff-view will be presented with the first changed file of that commit. The underlying filesystem is also checked out to this commit so that running the code locally produces the exact functionality of the code at this commit.

You can access the commit message by pressing (default) “d” on the commit node in the tree.

If you’d like to comment on the commit itself, or the commit message popup is too small to read the entire commit message, you can hit (default) <CR> on the root commit object in the tree to open a commit conversation buffer in a new tab.


Browsing files changed

If you prefer to browse at a higher level, a “Files Changed” tree exists as well.

Anytime a file is opened the underlying repo is checked out to the HEAD of the pull request, providing an aggregated diff view of what has changed in the pull request.


Working with review comments

The “Conversation” tree holds threads of conversations about areas of the code.

By hitting (default) <CR> on a thread node the diffview will be toggled open and the thread will be displayed on the opposite side in which the thread refers to.

From there you can use the opened thread window to perform actions on the conversation. By default <Ctrl-a> will open an actions dialogue when your cursor is on top of a comment and <Ctrl-s> will submit any text you’ve typed in the bottom text area.

You can close the thread window by issuing “GHToggleThread” on the same line as the open thread or on a blank line.

If multiple threads exist on a line you can use “GHNextThread” to cycle through them.

You can create your own thread on any line with a “+” sign in the sign column, using “GHCreateThread”

You may hit (default) <Ctrl-r> to resolve the thread if you have permissions to do so.


Working with pull request comments

Pull request comments are separate from review comments. Pull request comments are not affiliated with a file diff.

When the PR is initially opened an issue buffer is opened with the pull request’s comments.

This buffer works just like the above thread buffer except you cannot resolve a issue buffer.

If the issue buffer isn’t present you can hit (default) <CR> on the root PR node to open it in a new tab.


Searching PRs

The “GHSearchPRs” command can be used to search for pull requests associated with the repository Neovim is currently opened to.

Once the command is issued a vim.ui.input prompt will appear. This prompt will take further query strings as outlined here:

If you do not specify any further query string all PRs will be listed, including closed PRs. Be aware, this may exceed the “1000” PR list limit enforced by the GitHub API. You may want to filter with “is:open” to avoid this.


Working with Reviews

Starting and submitting a review

A review can be started with the “GHStartReview”. When this command completes a new tree will appear indicating a pending review is in progress.

From this point on every thread comment that is made is made in “pending” state which is also indicated in the conversations panel.

If you close neovim, re-open it, and open the PR you’ll be placed back into your pending review. If you want to cancel the review use “GHDeleteReview”. This will drop any pending comments and remove the pending review state.

Once you’ve created all your comments you can use the “GHSubmitReview” command to submit it.


Listing requested reviews

The “GHRequestedReview” command can be used to list pull requests your username has explicitly been requested to review.

Listing recently reviewed pull requests

The “GHRequestedReview” command will only show pull requests you’ve been requested to review, and once you’ve submitted a review, it will no longer list the reviewed PR.

To list pull requests you’ve recently reviewed but are still open you may use the “GHReviewed” command.

Browsing by review comment

Submitted reviews can be opened with (default) <CR> in a new “Reviews” panel. This panel aggregates review comments, further organizing threaded comments by reviews.

Immediately approving a review

The “GHApproveReview” command can be used to start a review and immediately approve it. This is helpful if you do not plan on making any comments and would simply like to approve the review with an optional comment.

Working with Issues

Issues can be previewed, opened, commented on, and browsed.

The “GHOpenIssue” command works similarly to the “GHOpenPR” command. If no number is provided to it, it will open a dialogue.

Once an issue buffer is opened the buffer works exactly like the pull request issue buffer we introduced earlier.

Placing the cursor over any “#1234” formatted string will open a preview popup of that issue and by default the keybinding “gd” will open the issue under the cursor.

Issues are independent of a pull request being opened and are their own feature in gh.nvim.


Searching Issues

The “GHSearchIsssues” command can be used to search for issues on the GitHub platform.

Once the command is issued a vim.ui.input prompt will appear. This prompt will take further query strings as outlined here:

If you do not specify any further query string an attempt to list all Issues on GitHub will take place, and you will hit a GitHub limit.

You may want to filter with “repo:{owner}/{name}” and even further with “repo:{owner}/{name} search_term in:title” to ensure you do not over extend your search.



The “GHNotifications” command will open a buffer full of notifications for the current repository Neovim is opened to.

Within this buffer multiple notifications are presented. Each one can be opened with (default) <CR>. Opening an issue will open an issue buffer while opening a pull request will close any existing pull request and open the specified one.

You can preview the notification by pressing (default) “d” when the cursor is over one.

You can mark a notification as read, which removes it from the notification buffer. You can also mark a notification as unsubscribed, which marks it as read and ignores any further events other then a mention of your username.



gh.nvim provides a completion function for auto-completing usernames and issues.

The completion is automatically registered in thread and issue buffers and can optionally be registered in buffers with the “./git” string in their names. The latter being useful if you use neovim as your git editor.

The completion function is registered to omnifunc with the default keybindings being <C-x><C-o>.
